Sportradar, a leading provider of sports data and integrity solutions, has released its highly anticipated report, offering a comprehensive analysis of the state of sports integrity worldwide. This seminal publication presents invaluable insights derived from an exhaustive examination of 850,000 events spanning 105 countries and 11 sports.



Sportradar 2023 Betting Corruption and Match-Fixing

Insights from Extensive Data Analysis

The report delves into the prevalence and nuances of match-fixing and suspicious betting activities, drawing from the staggering volume of data analyzed by Sportradar. With insights gleaned from the examination of a vast array of events, Sportradar provides a nuanced understanding of the landscape of sports integrity on a global scale.

Revelation of Suspicious Match Statistics

The findings reveal 1,329 suspicious matches in 2023, reflecting a manipulation rate of 0.21%. Notably, no sport exhibited a manipulation rate exceeding 1%, underscoring the rarity of such occurrences. This reaffirms the integrity of the overwhelming majority of monitored events, with over 99% showing no signs of suspicious activity.

Regional Trends and Observations 

Comparing data from the previous year, Sportradar observes a concerning uptick in suspicious match activity in Europe and Asia, with increases of 5.9% and 25%, respectively. Plausible explanations include the proliferation of the Asian gaming market post-Covid-19, with notable examples such as the exponential growth of revenue in Macau. Sportradar highlights concerning trends in Europe and Asia, with observed increases in suspicious match activity. Conversely, Latin America witnessed a decline of 3.6% in suspicious match rates, possibly attributable to the nascent regulation of sports betting. The approval of regulatory measures by the Brazilian Senate in December suggests progress in mitigating the prevalence of match-fixing within the region.

Impact on Different Sports 

Unsurprisingly, football emerges as the most impacted sport, with 880 suspicious matches reported in 2023. Basketball and table tennis follow suit, with 205 and 70 reported matches, respectively. Notably, 97.4% of suspicious matches originated from men’s events, highlighting the need for targeted interventions in male-dominated sports.

Role of Technology in Combatting Match-Fixing 

Andreas Krannich, Sportradar’s EVP of Integrity, emphasizes the indispensable role of technology, particularly AI, in detecting and preventing match-fixing. Sportradar’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge tools underscores the synergy between technological advancements, data analytics, and human expertise in safeguarding sports integrity.

Call to Action

Sportradar’s annual integrity report serves as a call to action for stakeholders to collaborate in preserving the sanctity of sports. By harnessing data analytics, technology, and regulatory frameworks, concerted efforts can be made to mitigate the scourge of match-fixing and uphold the fundamental principles of fairness and transparency in sports.

FAQs about Sportradar’s Annual Integrity Report

1. What is Sportradar’s Integrity Report about?

Sportradar’s Integrity Report focuses on analyzing the state of sports integrity worldwide, particularly regarding betting corruption and match-fixing in 2023.

2. What kind of data does the report analyze?

The report analyzes data from 850,000 events across 105 countries and 11 sports, providing comprehensive insights into the prevalence and nuances of match-fixing and suspicious betting activities.

3. What are the key findings of the report?

The report reveals 1,329 suspicious matches in 2023, with a manipulation rate of 0.21%. Notably, no sport exhibited a manipulation rate exceeding 1%, highlighting the integrity of the majority of monitored events.

4. Which regions experienced increases or decreases in suspicious match activity?

Europe and Asia observed increases in suspicious match activity, while Latin America witnessed a decline, possibly due to emerging regulatory measures.

5. Which sports are most impacted by suspicious matches?

Football emerges as the most impacted sport, followed by basketball and table tennis. Additionally, the report notes that the majority of suspicious matches originated from men’s events.

6. How does Sportradar utilize technology to combat match-fixing?

Sportradar emphasizes the role of technology, particularly AI, in detecting and preventing match-fixing. Approximately 73% of suspicious matches were identified through AI, showcasing the importance of technological advancements in safeguarding sports integrity.

7. What is the significance of Sportradar’s annual integrity report?

Sportradar’s integrity report serves as a call to action for stakeholders to collaborate in preserving the sanctity of sports. It highlights the importance of utilizing data analytics, technology, and regulatory frameworks to mitigate match-fixing and uphold fairness and transparency in sports.

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