The General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling in Spain has announced a new mandate requiring all licensed gaming operators involved in horseracing or sports betting to join the Global Betting Market Investigation Service (SIGMA). This initiative, effective from June 28, 2024, is a significant move aimed at preventing and combating fraud and manipulation within the sports betting industry.

Spain Mandates Gaming Operators to Join Global Betting Market Investigation Service (SIGMA)

SIGMA: Safeguarding Sports Integrity

SIGMA’s primary mission is to protect sports from fraudulent practices that threaten fair play and integrity. The service has already garnered support from several key organisations, including:

  • Higher Sports Council
  • Royal Spanish Football Federation
  • Professional Football League
  • Royal Spanish Tennis Federation
  • Association of Spanish Footballers

Additionally, law enforcement agencies such as the National Police, the Civil Guard, and the Ertzaintza are actively involved in this initiative, ensuring a robust framework to tackle corruption in sports.

New Requirements for Gaming Operators

Under the new resolution, gaming operators with licenses for horseracing or sports betting must:

  • Immediately report any irregular or suspicious bets to SIGMA.
  • Provide additional information necessary to investigate any alerts thoroughly.

This requirement ensures that any activity indicative of fraudulent behavior is swiftly identified and addressed, promoting a fair and transparent betting environment.

A Step Forward in Combating Sports Corruption

This resolution by the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling represents a decisive step in strengthening the fight against corruption in sports. By integrating licensed operators into SIGMA, the Directorate aims to enhance transparency and security within the betting industry. This move is expected to foster greater trust among bettors and uphold the integrity of sports competitions.

Conclusion: The Mandate

The mandate for gaming operators to join SIGMA underscores Spain’s commitment to maintaining a clean and fair sports betting environment. This initiative not only aims to prevent and combat fraud but also seeks to ensure that the sports betting industry operates with the highest levels of transparency and integrity.

FAQs About the Spain Mandates Gaming Operators to Join SIGMA

1. What is the new mandate issued by the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling in Spain? 

The new mandate requires all licensed gaming operators involved in horseracing or sports betting to join the Global Betting Market Investigation Service (SIGMA).

2. When does the new mandate take effect? 

The mandate takes effect on June 28, 2024.

3. What is the purpose of the Global Betting Market Investigation Service (SIGMA)? 

SIGMA aims to prevent and combat fraud and manipulation in the sports betting industry, safeguarding sports by eradicating fraudulent practices that threaten fair play and equity.

4. Which organisations support SIGMA? 

SIGMA has the support of the Higher Sports Council, the Royal Spanish Football Federation, the Professional Football League, the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation, and the Association of Spanish Footballers.

5. Are law enforcement agencies involved in SIGMA? 

Yes, law enforcement agencies such as the National Police, the Civil Guard, and the Ertzaintza are involved in SIGMA.

6. What must gaming operators do under the new resolution? 

Gaming operators must immediately report any irregular or suspicious bets to SIGMA and provide additional information necessary to investigate these alerts thoroughly.

7. Why was this resolution introduced by the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling? 

The resolution was introduced to fortify the fight against corruption in sports and to create a more transparent and secure betting environment by integrating licensed operators into SIGMA.

8. How does this resolution benefit the sports betting industry? 

The resolution promotes a fair and transparent betting environment, helps detect and address fraudulent behavior quickly, and fosters greater trust among bettors.

9. What is the role of the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling? 

The General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling oversees and regulates all forms of gambling activities in Spain, ensuring that gambling is conducted fairly and transparently while safeguarding public interests.

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